Effective Date: 1/07/25
- Treat every user with kindness, respect, and dignity.
- Harassment, bullying, hate speech, or any form of discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
- Posting nudes or sexually explicit photos is strictly prohibited.
- Content must comply with local and international laws regarding decency and safety.
- Only post photos of yourself. Impersonation or using someone else's images without consent is not allowed.
- Ensure your posts are honest representations of your physique.
- Do not post content that promotes self-harm, eating disorders, or unhealthy practices.
- Encouraging or glorifying dangerous behavior is strictly prohibited.
- Avoid profanity or content that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate for younger users.
- We aim to keep this a safe space for users aged 13 and above.
- Do not share personal information (e.g., addresses, phone numbers) or private messages of others.
- Do not upload content that violates another person's privacy or is posted without their consent.
- If you see content or behavior that violates these guidelines, please contact us directly at mobileappmagfit@gmail.com
- Our team will review all reports and take appropriate action.
- All users must comply with local, national, and international laws while using the App.
- Violating these guidelines may result in:
- The severity of the action will depend on the nature and frequency of the violation.
By participating in the Rate My Physique community, you help create a supportive and empowering space for everyone. Thank you for adhering to these guidelines and contributing to a positive environment!
If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at mobileappmagfit@gmail.com.